Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hey 2nd Trimester Students!
Thanks for checking out my blog.
Remember that you can get extra credit just for having your parents sign your syllabus by Friday!
I am really looking forward to teaching you this trimester, and I hope you look forward to learning.
Just so I know you're checking this out, leave a comment below!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If you were absent Wednesday, November 17th...

English 9:
We checked unit 4-6 vocab today. Please show me this when you return. We also worked on study guides for the final. You can find that in a previous post on this blog. If you choose to make any flashcards or note cards for the final, they are due Monday. Study guides are due Friday.

Gothic Lit:
Today we put our persuasive skills to good use and made flyers for the toy drive.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Study Guide for English 9 Final

Click here for a study guide for the English 9 final.

If you were absent Tuesday, November 16th...

Today we worked on our vocabulary unit 4-6 review, due tomorrow.
We then played review games on the vocabulary website (sadlier oxford or quizlet.com).
We checked the questions from pg. 357 from The Gift of the Magi.

Monday, November 15, 2010


If a student was absent on Monday, November 15th... what did they miss? Comment below for 2 points!

So you needed a little more motivation....

Attention Miss Sneddon's classes!

If your tummy is ever rumblin' during my class - here's a great way to feed your need while fulfilling the wants of others!

5th period is in charge of a toy drive for Children's Hospital in Dayton. And to sweeten the deal we are going to make this a COMPETITION!

If there are 100 items collected by Monday, I will host another movie night.

The class of mine that collects the most items will get FREE FOOD!

Make the holidays bright for children in need AND eat? Yes, Santa has answered your wish list.

Children's Toy Drive

Please click here to read a letter regarding a very special project being done by 5th period.

Also, please see this event link on facebook by Ashly Hoskins for more information on the event.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

If you were absent on Thursday, Nov. 11th...

English 9:
Today was your final work day for your presentations tomorrow. Five paragraph essays were also due. Turn this in ASAP.

Gothic Lit:
Today we did a webquest in the Media Center. This webquest was about H. G. Wells and can be found on this blog.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If you were absent Wednesday, November 10th...

English 9:
Today we checked vocab review unit 1-3 (starts on pg. 42). You need to show this to me so that I can give you a grade.

We also had time in class to make flashcards for the final. The words that may be on your final are the first ten from every unit, which means there are a total of 90 words. Each flaschard must have the word, the part of speech and the definition. If you choose to do these cards, they are due during the week of finals and they are for 15 points extra credit (this could really help on your final!).

Gothic Lit:
Today in class we watched War of the Worlds, a story by H. G. Wells. We will be working a lot with H.G. Wells this week - see me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

H. G. Wells Webquest

Directions: Open a word document. Follw the directions and links below.

Put your name and date in the upper right hand corner.

For the past few months we have been working with gothic literature. Take a look at this article that outlines some of the main ideas of gothic literature. Also take a look at this powerpoint. Summarize this article and the powerpoint presentation for #1 on your word document.

Now, let's take a look at this website that gives a definition for science fiction. Copy that definition into #2 on your word document. Then, because this definition is complicated, tell me what this actually means in your own words.

At this point, you may be asking yourself, "Why should I care about science fiction? This is Gothic Lit class!" Take a look here at this science fiction timeline. On #3 in your word document, tell me at least 5 events on this timeline that could be considered gothic. Do you see at least one major thing that these two genres have in common? (I hope so!)

Yesterday in class we watched a portion of War of the Worlds, which was written by H. G. Wells. He was considered the father of science fiction. But instead of me telling you, go here and read his biography. On #4 on your word document tell me 10 things you learn about H.G. Wells.

To get our hands dirty with some science fiction literature, read this selection by H.G. Wells. This story is called "The Magic Shop." On #5 on your word document, summarize this story.

On #6 on your word document, pick out at least 3 words that you do not know. Define them on your word document.

On #7 on your word document, use this site. Look at the third quote, about advertising. On your word document copy this quote and then tell me what you think H. G. Wells meant by this. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Print out your word document and turn it in by the beginning of class tomorrow.

If you were absent Tuesday, November 9th...

English 9:
Today we were in the lab working with our partners on our analogy projects. Please be sure to see me so that I know you have a partner and/or a plan.

Unit 1-3 review is due tomorrow. I will be taking a grade on a portion of this!

Gothic Literature:
No one was absent today :) Great job on your presentations!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Extra Credit Opportunity!

For 5 points extra credit do the following:
1. Become my follower on this blog!
2. Go to the principal's blog located here: CHS Blog
3. Choose one of the posts on the CHS blog, and summarize it below by leaving me a comment.
4. This needs to be done by Friday, November 12th.

Thanks for stopping by!

5 Paragraph Essay Powerpoint

If you would like to view the powerpoint for the 5 paragraph essay, click here:

5 Paragraph Essay Powerpoint

If you were absent Monday, 11-8-10

English 9:
Today we went to the lab. You need to finish your five paragraph essay packet and have your essay typed by Thursday.

Begin working on the vocabulary review unit for units 1-3. This starts on pg. 42 of your orange workbook.

Tuesday you will be working in the lab or media center on your presentation. Bring any supplies you may need. Presentations are on FRIDAY!

Gothic Lit:
Today we worked on writing mystery stories. Remember that your presentations over And Then There Were None are TOMORROW!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Some people may think that it's a little to early to start getting ready for the holidays. I started preparing months ago. I am counting down the days until it is socially acceptable to put up my Christmas tree.

But today, I got to do one of the things that I really enjoy about the holiday season. I got to give back to someone less fortunate. Let's face it, over the past few months I have been more blessed than ever - and today I paid it forward.

One way to give back this season (I'm sure I'll be posting quite a few of these) is to go to jcpenney.com/angel. On this site you can choose an angel, a child or senior citizen, that is in need. It will tell you the age of your angel, and what their specific wants and needs are.

My angel is a seven year old girl. Who is yours?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Unit 9 Vocabulary Powerpoint

Click here to view: Unit 9 Vocabulary Powerpoint

If you were absent Nov. 5th, 2010....

Today in class we took the vocabulary test over Unit 9. You will need to make that up as soon as possible!

We also worked in our 5 paragraph essay packets. We are currently working with thesis statements. Please see a classmate so you can go over attention grabbers.

We hope to see you soon!