Thursday, January 27, 2011

If you were absent Thursday, January 27th

English 9B - Today we turned in our poetry projects and began discussing Romeo and Juliet. Get excited!

Gothic Lit - Today we watched an Edgar Allan Poe biography. We will be starting And Then There Were None tomorrow!

English 9A: Today we went over the unit 6 vocab ppt. YOu can find that posted earlier on this blog. You recieved an agreemement worksheet for homework. We also finished discussing The Lorax and reading other children's books to find allegories in our daily lives. *BONUS POINTS* if you can leave a comment telling us about your favorite children's book and why it is an allegory! (5 pts.)

1 comment:

  1. Man I wish I was in your class... I would be racking up some serious bonus.. :p
